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Hushville events: zee flashcube, town round + other random places

Greetings fellow Hushvillians!


It's happening! We're happening! We're going home! I hope y'all have your excitement pants on (or off) as firmly as I do =)


Brother Monkey and I will be helping you coordinate your event offerings for 2022. We've created a lil ol' google calendar for this task. Well, there's three of them actually, based on venues:

  1. flashcube
  2. town round
  3. other random spots around/near the village

Soooo... you wanna get in on the calendar so you can add your juicy, weird AF events right?! Sure thang! Just add your email addy in a reply below, or flick an email to and we'll get you in thurr...


This year, you'll be adding/editing your own events because #radicalselfreliance plus #hushvilleventsnotbabysittingadultssince2022 😉  Yep, it means that you'll have to be super careful to not meddle with someone else's event, but we trust you! (gulp)


Make sure you add plenty of deets to your event so that you can be included in the WTF guide to get loads of peeps participating in your event, as well as to stoke the good graces of ORG =)


We'll also be touching base with camps to chase up/crack whips/whip cream on those who are less proactive in getting their events into the calendar. Don't make us crack a creamwhip on you!


Can't wait to dance in the dusty, hyper-alkaline, scorched earth with y'all super soon <3

Brother Monkey & Infinite Confetti


Infinite Confetti has reacted to this post.
Infinite Confetti

well hi there brigitgoddess! thanks for jumping in! i replied to your email (y' know the one that you sent Cupcake foreverrr ago outlining the Crusty Swan events?!) a few weeks back... anyways, your email addy has been added to the Hushville Events calendar, and i took the liberty of plopping the Crusty events in there too as a trial run =) you might wanna check them out to make sure that it all looks dandydoodle <3

When I go to the calendar link you sent me--I can see the events--that I added--but that is only after I did not see the ones that you added.  The dates were all there for the Burn--but nothing on the pages....anyway--I added our events--do YOU see those?

Infinite Confetti has reacted to this post.
Infinite Confetti

Done Elleon! Your email addy has been added to the Hushville events calendar. Once you’re in you'll see three venues (flashcube, town round and other locations), so feel free to add/edit your events as needed!

If you need a hand just drop us a line at and we’ll get you sorted asap! <3